You are worthy of a fearless love you can trust.
Being betrayed by your significant other violates your trust, assaults your self-worth, and causes you to feel abandoned by the one you love most. Infidelity shakes the very core of how you view yourself & those you love.
This group will:
Teach you to recognize forms of manipulation, gaslighting, and narcissistic tactics so you can respond from a place of clarity.
Help you understand how Partner Betrayal Trauma affects you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and sexually.
Create a self-care and recovery plan that empowers you to face your future with confidence and hope.
We will provide an environment of honesty and truth where you can learn to trust your intuition, set and maintain healthy boundaries, and use your voice to speak out about your needs and wants.
for women facing
Betrayal Trauma
For women, partner betrayal can be traumatic and is experienced as a violation of trust by a significant other who uses deception and manipulation to put more time, emotional energy, sexual energy, or resources into another person or entity. This may occur with emotional and sexual affairs, pornography, cybersex, hookups, flirting, sexting, frequenting massage parlors or strip clubs, soliciting prostitutes, viewing child pornography, exhibiting sexual fetishes, cross-dressing, or involvement in an undisclosed relationship with the same sex. Trauma reactions to infidelity include patterns of recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive thoughts and memories, self-deprecating thoughts, hypervigilance and mood dysregulation, and use of avoidance to cope. In time, integrating the pain of betrayal into a healing mind and body restores trust in self and security in safe relationships.
As deep as a woman's love so is her grief when faced with loss. Losing someone we love or being prevented from securing something we value can create various emotional responses, from depression to anger to acceptance. The longing to recapture, regain or repair what we have lost can be marked by waves of intense sadness and tremendous sorrow. For women, processing and reprocessing the stages of grief is normal; however, grief symptoms that intensify rather than subside over time may indicate more complex or complicated grief.
Post-Traumatic Stress
Trauma is a response women may experience when facing a deeply disturbing event or personal encounter that evokes intense fear, loss of control, overwhelming helplessness, and a sense of betrayal. The stress of repeated verbal, emotional, and physical abuse, sexual violation, domestic violence, a partner's infidelity, natural disasters, and violent combat can be traumatizing for women. When trauma symptoms include intrusive memories, pervasive avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and worsening arousal responses, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may be a more accurate diagnosis.
“I’m so grateful for the staff and counselors here. I have gained valuable insights into myself that will help me handle the future. I’m leaving with new tools and new knowledge that I’m already implementing. Thank you all!.”
women supporting women
Tammy Coker
Licensed Professional Counselor | Clinical Therapist
Mary Kathryn Evans
Licensed Professional Counselor | EMDR Trained | Registered Yoga Teacher
Julia Weems
Licensed Clinical Social Worker | EMDR Trained
Beverly Cooper
IOP Support Administrator