Restore your confidence and become active in your life again.



Our unique capacity as women to maintain our responsibilities and care for others in our own time of need can be detrimental to us.

The journey back from depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders is often a solitary one, marked by an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and worthlessness.

With great sensitivity and empathy, we integrate sound mental health principles and  medication therapy options to help women move towards stabilization and growth. 

With the help of other women who understand this struggle firsthand, you will gain the insight and tools needed to restore self-confidence and become active in your life again.

for women facing



For women living with depression, daily life is marked by persistent feelings of sadness, despairing thoughts, anxiousness, irritability, frequent mood changes, fatigue, and loss of interest and pleasure in activities once found to be enjoyable. Biological and hormonal factors unique to women put them at greater risk for certain forms of depression at different stages in life and self-harming behaviors and suicidal ideations.



As deep as a woman's love so is her grief when faced with loss. Losing someone we love or being prevented from securing something we value can create various emotional responses, from depression to anger to acceptance. The longing to recapture, regain or repair what we have lost can be marked by waves of intense sadness and tremendous sorrow. For women, processing and reprocessing the stages of grief is normal; however, grief symptoms that intensify rather than subside over time may indicate more complex or complicated grief.


For women, anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease triggered by a real or perceived threat. Excessive worry and fear occurring daily, sudden episodes of intense fear triggering severe physical reactions, overly anxious and self-conscious in social settings, or experiencing acute and extreme fear over an object or situation are severe symptoms associated with different anxiety disorders.


Post-Traumatic Stress

Trauma is a response women may experience when facing a deeply disturbing event or personal encounter that evokes intense fear, loss of control, overwhelming helplessness, and a sense of betrayal. The stress of repeated verbal, emotional, and physical abuse, sexual violation, domestic violence, a partner's infidelity, natural disasters, and violent combat can be traumatizing for women. When trauma symptoms include intrusive memories, pervasive avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and worsening arousal responses, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may be a more accurate diagnosis.


For women who have reoccurring unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations (obsessions) that lead them to feel driven to perform repetitive behaviors (compulsions), daily life is complex and exhausting. Attempts to challenge, logically dispute, or defy the excessive or unreasonable demands of such thoughts, impulses, or images, only cause more significant distress. Induced sleep, deliberate distraction, or escapism temporarily quiet the resounding symptoms, only to have them return.



Women with Bipolar Disorder experience extreme shifts in mood ranging from emotional highs known as mania or hypomania to emotional lows of depression or suicidality. Although feelings of euphoria and frenetic energy mark manic episodes for women, they are followed by depressive episodes that leave them despondent about the realities of daily life. For women whose symptoms are unmanaged, the cyclic nature of opposing moods and behaviors create reoccurring financial, relational, sexual, and social consequences for them and their loved ones.


“A highly professional team of therapists, psychiatrists, and office staff made my recovery goals possible. I enjoyed interacting with the patients in my group sessions as well as learned valuable coping skills from both patients and therapists. I would recommend this facility to anyone who struggles with depression, anxiety, PTSD, grief, etc. It’s a lifeline in the recovery process.”

women supporting women

  • Mary Kathryn Evans

    Licensed Professional Counselor | EMDR Trained | Registered Yoga Teacher

  • Courtney Layson

    Licensed Professional Counselor | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist | Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist

  • Danielle Lowther

    Licensed Clinical Social Worker

  • Julia Weems

    Licensed Clinical Social Worker | EMDR Trained


Restore your confidence and become active in your life again.